Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year Blessings!

Well... here we are, at 61...
(taking this pic just 4 days following Katie's surgery!)
Healthy, happy, and truly blessed to be able to 
welcome 2013 with open arms and a full embrace!
Daryle & Katie


  1. 2012 gave you two plenty of challenges and you both look great! I have a very good feeling about 2013....

  2. So lovely to see the two of you - healthy and happy.

  3. I love seeing a photo of you two, so now I have a face to go with the names and posts and such. Happy New Year to you both!

  4. :)Wishing you both much happiness, health and joy in the New Year.


  5. Best wishes for wonderful things for you both this year, and plenty of good health!I love your dolls and creativity. I hope to be making some of my own again soon. See you on Cloth and Clay Dolls!

  6. Thinking of you two. You've had a year of triumphs and trials. But glad for your love and faith in the Lord. He is able to do abundantly above all that we ask or think. Sometimes I feel so insignificant but I know he loves all of his children which is so mind boggling I can't even begin to grasp his infinite love.
    May you have a blessed 2013.
    Teresa in California
    I have info on my blog and a link to Lisa Swifka's 'Our Word Our Art' even which begins Feb. 11th thru Feb. 25th, 2013.

  7. Love this picture of the two of you. Hope all is well.
