Friday, December 21, 2012

The Winter 2013 Issue... of PRIMS!

My complimentary issue of PRIMS just arrived...
with my most recent Santos Cage Doll:
"The Keeper of Lost Dolls" included on pages 78-83.
The editing staff graciously (generously!) chose a "baker's dozen" 
photographs to include with the article.  I am thrilled!

Assistant Senior Managing Editor, Jennifer Jackson Taylor
was kind enough to print in the Letters to the Editor section 
of the magazine, a follow-up note that I had sent to her
about an earlier publication of my "Miss Moses" cage doll.

For those of you who have encouraged me  
during the past six months to keep at this labor of love... 
I cannot begin to express my appreciation and gratitude!  
Your posts have meant the world to me!  Thank you, Thank you!

So for now... I'm just floating on "cloud nine" and enjoying it so!
(wink!) Daryle


  1. Congratulations! Oh, good...I have PRIMS on order from an Etsy shop...I always get PRIMS when I can find it. I have always enjoyed every issue that has come out. It fills a need for the more prim style of dolls that you don't always see in Art Doll Quarterly...but I love both magazines for all of the variety of creativity which abounds in every issue!
    Have a joyful Holiday time, remembering our blessed Savior.

  2. Your 'labor of love' is 'bliss' for the rest of us!!! Each time you present a new doll its like a gift!! Thanks for sharing your artistry and talent. And can't wait to get my hands on the next Prims!

  3. Congratulations!!!!!Can't wait to get my copy!!!

  4. How special! Congratulations! Will look for that publication.
