Sunday, August 29, 2010

O Little Town of Bethlehem!

We spent three days in beautiful, 
historic Bethlehem, Pennsylvania this past week.
Katie and I have always marveled at the story 
of the Moravians... their faith and fearless spirit.
When we lived in Vermont, every December, 
several families would join us as we each created 
(in the Moravian tradition) our own Putz. 
This was an elaborate "creche scene" that
included numerous figures, houses and embellishments.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    This is a wonderful post I had no idea that there was a Bethlehem in the US, let alone the Moravians.... I have another google search coming on...

    Thank you for this post, I shall be off to the library to discover more...


    Ps. Love your 'finds' in the next post too, the crochet lace is wonderful.
