A second cage doll is in the works! Designing the cage-skirt for this particular piece was a challenge. I (Daryle) wanted a vintage look, reminiscent of old Victorian wicker with beading. We found some great scrapbook paper that has the appearance of being water-stained. It will look perfect on the bottom of the wooden skirt base. We made the bird’s nest with grapevine, wood wool and backyard twigs... and will eventually speckle the eggs and add a crackle finish to complete them. The hang tag will (hopefully!) tie the piece together with the theme: “Oh glorious anthem, all nature sings...” This angel cage doll will be holding the nest in her hands, once it is attached.
I photographed the art doll head and bodice using the “museum” setting; to soften the image. The art doll was sculpted with paper clay over a paper armature. Her entire head, upper body and arms are finished with a fine porcelain look, crackle medium. Like our wooden cage doll, her features have been finished in the “Queen Anne style.” She has glass eyes, softly defined eye brows and lashes and sculpted black hair. Our aging process gives her that “attic find” well-loved appearance. All of the laces and trims are vintage scraps... that will eventually be sewn in place. Be blessed! Daryle & Katie
We found this wonderful old pocket watch at the New Castle Farmers Market in Delaware, just over the river from us. Its simple form adds the perfect detail to the wooden cage skirt on the art doll.
Like so many artisans–– we love “the hunt” as much as the bargaining back and forth over the price! We picked up several time pieces that day–– carefully setting them aside in our stash of treasures, knowing that one day each would find the perfect home.
The coffee stained hang tag expresses a familiar and beloved sentiment: “Forget Me Not...” Over the years, we have become “coffee stain” addicts! We love the warm, worn appearance that lends itself to our work. The theatre gauze that is draped around the back of the cage is coffee stained too... of course! Daryle & Katie
Cage dolls have always fascinated us... Inspired by the "Queen Anne style" dolls that are once again so popular, our doll stands about 20 inches high. Her head is wood; as is her cage. Canvas duck cloth was used for her bodice and upper arms (not yet attached). The lower arms will be wood. Enjoy! Daryle
Many, many years ago (actually, the year was 1978) in a place that now seems far, far away (up in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom)... two best friends began a wonder-filled journey together! Little did we know that it would prove to be a pilgrimage, of sorts, into the incredible world of folk art! Primitive dolls, mohair teddy bears, whimsical Saint Nick’s, and angels... lots and lots of angels! Here we are, thirty-something years later... and the journey is still new, exciting (at times uncertain) and yet, so very satisfying.
Welcome to Woodstown Whimsies! In the weeks and months ahead, we hope to share with you–– our passion for primitive folk art and sundry handmade work.