Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Vintage Drawer Reliquary Doll

Well, eight months later... and I've finally
finished my mixed media doll: "The Butterfly Boy!"
Emerging from a chrysalis made with mulberry papers, 
dyed netting, glass beads and rusty wire.

My $4 find at the "Art of Recycle" store in Ephrata, PA
has gone from this...

To this... covered with decorative tissue papers
using paper maché, adding a print of a Monarch butterfly, 
and a vintage kitchen soap holder with a dangling chrysalis.

I sculpted a basic chrysalis shape using paper-clay
and then covered it with a photocopied print from
an actual chrysalis, using paper maché paste. 
Final touch: adding additional gold dots and highlights.

It seems to be a universal theme: "Transitions!"

Be blessed... Daryle

Thursday, September 14, 2017

September? Summer Slipped By Me...

Our summer here in South Jersey has been full...
Visits from out-of-state family... 
Lots of time with our grandsons both here and up in Vermont...
But also... that creative muse continues to tease me.
(and I'm O.K. with that!)
I snapped this pic of Katie's favorite potted coleus, 
just as the sun was going down!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Underwater Wonders!

We took our grandsons to the Adventure Aquarium this past week...
I captured (well, on my iPhone) these alien visitors.  
Hmmmm, I suppose the truth is: I was the alien... in their world!

In life's ebb and flow here in South Jersey; 
my creative bent has taken a needful retreat!
Be blessed... Daryle

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Along the Fence...

One of my favorite Robert Frost quotes:
"Don't ever take a fence down, until you know why it was put up."

These photos of our flower garden, were just now taken 
along our neighbor's split-rail fence...

Now I understand why the fence shouldn't come down:
We share with this dear neighbor our faith, our flowers, 
her fence provides the perfect photo-shoot background!

We've been very slack here...on posting.
Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Our Azalea's Remarkable Recovery!

If you recall our post (March 17th) with the ice-clad Azaleas... 
Well, I just snapped this pic today (no touch-ups, only resizing).
And yup... this is the same bush photographed in mid-March.

It would seem they're a hardy, rugged stock!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Beware: Border Jumpers Spotted in South Jersey!

A word of caution... This cluster of white Forget-Me-Nots
was recently spotted on the south side of our property
seeking asylum beneath a decorative maple.
Clusters of blue and pink family members have also
been seen in our neighbor's flower garden; adjacent to us.
If you should come across any of these... Our best advice:
Please... welcome them to their new home!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

After the (Ice) Storm...

We were concerned, here in South Jersey, 
following the recent ice storm that the peach crop would fail. 
But, like the locals... the peach stock is hardy!
Look at those blossoms (no enhanced color).

Friday, March 17, 2017

Azaleas and the Ice Storm

South Jersey took a beating earlier this week... 
with what ended up being a significant ice storm for us.
Our poor azalea bushes... were all encrusted in ice for several days.
The ice has (for the most part) since thawed, 
our power is restored and... all is well!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Reliquary... Revealed!

The drawer has been primed, and then layered with hand-torn 
strips of paper toweling; applied with paper maché paste.
A coat of Gesso too!  My plan is to add some text over the
box and perhaps some images as well.

The chrysalis will eventually hang from the natural branch 
by a rusty wire "cage" which is shaped to its contours.

My little "butterfly boy" still need a body form to insert
in the chrysalis... and an arm and hand holding onto
the torn open side (of what has been his home)!

Thanks for stopping by... Daryle 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Mystery Solved... Thanks Mickie!

So, when Mickie (see comments from the Feb. 18th post)
suggested the mystery object in my new reliquary doll box 
was a wooden masher (pestle) from a cone shaped colander...

I "Googled" it and this is one of the images that came up!
Yay!!!  Thank you Mickie... 

And you are correct; the symbolism is perfect as well:

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show us
that this all-surpassing power is from God and not us.  
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair."  
(2. Corinthians 4:7-8, NIV)

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The New Reliquary... Revisited!

I really have been working on this new reliquary doll!
Preoccupied with the idea of "transitions" and "rebirth"...
a chrysalis keeps coming to mind.

What better way to create a "chrysalis form" than our
old school-days favorite: paper maché over a balloon!
I decided to use mulberry papers, for added texture and interest
along with pieces of theatre gauze.

Dried... and a day later: a chrysalis!

I sculpted a paper clay head and have base-coated it
with soft black...

Found this very interesting "thing" today...
at the Cow-Town Farmer's Market, here in Woodstown.
The vender said he found it in his Cedarville, NJ barn (circa 1840)
and had absolutely no idea what it was used for.
(He was asking $4 for it... I offered $2 and came home with it)

I just knew it would fit perfectly in the contoured side tray
of the desk drawer reliquary... and it does! 

So... now my doll "in transition" needs a little body!
Thanks for stopping by... Daryle

Saturday, January 28, 2017

From Desk Drawer to Reliquary!

It immediately caught my eye yesterday, as Katie and I
were perusing around Art of Recycle in Ephrata, PA.

I'm thinking this is a vintage desk drawer... with an ink well,
 pencil/pen tray. What do you think?
It measures 8 by 16.5 inches... and the price was right!

It didn't "scream" at me... but immediately spoke to me, saying:
"Turn me on end, stand me up... stand me up!" 

And in that moment... Behold a reliquary, 
waiting to "house" a doll and a story!

And so... with a bit of sanctified imagination 
and some of the inspiration that Penny, from Art Journey 
(see my side-bar) just blogged about... 
I'm ready to begin working on a new doll!
Well... it's about time! (wink!)

Friday, January 13, 2017

Winter's Hold... A Light Touch!

While picking up fallen branches and trimming back rose bushes,
I couldn't help but notice some "stirrings" in our flower gardens!

Daffodils encroaching upon the ground ivy...

Lenten Rose revealing its new growth...

and even some of our Sedum was found...
sunning itself in the late morning light.

Winter's hold... it seems to be a light touch; for the moment!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

A New Year... Fresh Fallen Snow!

Our first measurable snowfall of the season...
A cardinal found the stash of seed I placed in the feeder,
before the snow started falling this morning.

Happy New Year Wishes and Blessings to you and yours!