Thursday, September 26, 2013

Shrine Doll Workshop: a Work In Progress...Peek!

I have been plugging away this past week...
video-recording & editing; while working on this mixed media doll!
He has a raw umber base-coat... so all that's really holding me up 
is the top coat on his arms, shoulders and head.
(O.K. and some COLOR... he needs some color!)
I will be introducing some terra cotta, verdi green and blue 
perhaps some yellow ochre.
In the class we'll discuss "structures" for use as a doll body
(remember... mine was a craftsman style mantle clock)
We'll also cover sculpting a head with paper clay, 
and of course: all the delicious details that make it O.O.A.K.
It's always about the "details!"
Thanks for taking a peek... Daryle