Saturday, June 30, 2012

A NEW Cage Doll...

It's time to move on... and the notion of "a keeper of the dolls"
seems to be on the horizon of my creative bent.
I'm thinking a faux 18th century English wooden doll...
but with a twist: a French flair:

le gardien de poupĂ©es perdues 

I envision a paper clay head and torso that will cover 
the wooden finial on top of this (flea market) wood & wire birdcage.
The articulated arms will be designed using wood with paper clay hands.

The PLAN:  I have an abundant collection of various bisque
and frozen charlotte style dolls (see our May 3, 2010 post)
that will eventually find their way to the birdcage skirt of the doll...
O.K., enough posting... get to work!

Tutti & Frutti... Fini!

Tutti is having a tough time... trying to thread that needle!
Based upon two of the characters from the books of
Palmer Cox, written in the later 1800's... 

My favorite line is from a book titled: "The Brownies' Quilting Bee"
The quote is:
"'Tis true, mistakes will sometimes crawl into the handiwork of all!"

Frutti has really wiggled his way into my heart...

Check out the "crackle" finish on this guy!
(thank you DecoArt one-step-crackle and Plaid Matte Sealer)
 (double-click for a close up)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Sweeter As The Days Go By..."

Our first fresh local corn and peaches...
lunch-time just doesn't get better than this,
here in South Jersey!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Boys Are on the Last Lap!

I cherish a two volume set of the poetry by Christina Rossetti,
published in Boston back in 1900... that I found years ago.  
She asks a question that I have been wrestling with
in recent months:
"Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? 
Yes, work never begun." 
Hmmm... I guess we'll never make the June 15th
deadline for the ADQ "book character" challenge!
These two guys are STILL a W.I.P.
They need a "crackle" finish and some attention to details
(like sewing their arms on!)  Tsk...Tsk!
After a two month hiatus... it feels so good to be back
on task  (doing the really important stuff... like this!) 
Thanks so much for taking a look!  Daryle

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Simple Gifts...

'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free,
"Tis a gift to come down to where you ought to be...
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.
-Elder Joseph Brackett Jr. 1848

It was a simple gift... some time just spent in our flower gardens
with my camera in hand, on this perfect afternoon!
Wishing you life's "simple gifts"...   Daryle