Saturday, October 30, 2010

Understated Elegance, Whimsy and Charm... Katie's newest handmade cards!

Here are some of Katie's newest handmade cards...
each one a feast for the eyes and balm for the soul!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Phaeton #2"... a Personality Emerges!

A personality is emerging, as I add a bit of paperclay here 
and brush a little wash of color on there. 
I love his "bookish" and "boyish" look!
(it must be the vintage eye glasses)
His little boat sits on a wooden cube
that I have stenciled in checkerboard.
The cube sits on wooden legs
that are dry brushed in sage green,
dark cream and deep burgundy.
His body needs to be fully stuffed, 
arms and hands need to be sculpted...  
and an anchor will hang somewhere!
Enjoy the journey with me!  Daryle

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ahhh... Four Days in Vermont!

Shelburne Farms... a perfect day, 
standing beneath the Coach Barn Cupola!

Fall Foliage... some of the sugar maples waited for us!

Snow on the Adirondacks... looking over Lake Champlain!

Our precious grandson... with boundless energy; 
who loves to turn anything that he can get his hands on!
(Yup! Even a vintage water hydrant in the old coach barn) 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sufficient Phaeton #2... The Long Journey Home!

Well... it looks like we have a sailboat 
for "Phaeton (wagon) #2"...  Tsk, Tsk!
I'm ready to begin adding paperclay
to his 4 inch styrofoam base head.
I set his big blue eyes low on his face,
hoping to capture a child-like look.
(looks a bit like a mummy at this moment!)
Sail Away... we're off to Vermont for a 
four day weekend with our kids and grandson!

Friday, October 15, 2010

"Phaeton" #2... The Long Journey Home!

The journey continues... 
Using the two remaining spoke rimmed 
doll buggy wheels, a wood block,
and some wooden finials... 
"Phaeton" (wagon) #2 is in the works!
The styrofoam balls and vintage enamel funnels
will be incorporated into the new doll.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Winter Issue of Art Doll Quarterly!

"Sentinel of Winter" will be featured in
 the newest issue of Art Doll Quarterly
due to arrive at your favorite bookstore 
and magazine stand on November 1st.
You can imagine how excited I was
to hear from Stampington & Company
that "Sentinel" is the cover story
for this wonderful winter issue!

To order your copy from Stampington & Company
please use this link:
Share the joy and be blessed...  Daryle

Friday, October 8, 2010

Our One Year Anniversary Give-Away...Two Winners!

"The Queen of Hearts" 
will be going to live with Vicky! 
On September 19th she posted:

"I love the depth of your work! 
How you plant the seed of an idea. 
As your creation evolves so does our imagination. 
Thank you for taking us along 
on your creative journeys. So Inspiring! -Vicky"

"Le Petit Acrobate... the little acrobat"
will be going to live with jenclair!
On September 9th she posted:

"What a wonderful opportunity! 
I'm definitely in...with my fingers crossed!

Congratulations to both 
Vicky and jenclair!
And our heartfelt thanks 
to each one who posted a note 
as we celebrated 
our first year of blogging!

Vicky and jenclair... contact us 
at our e-mail address
to arrange for shipping!
Warmest Wishes & Congrats Again...
Daryle & Katie  

"Sufficient Phaeton" is Finished!

Looking back over the past few weeks... 
I marvel at the inspiration that
an old vintage planer 
and a long forgotten poem
can muster up!

Details... Details... Details!

Details really do make a difference!
I just finished assembling
"Sufficient Phaeton"... realizing
there were a multitude of details
that made this doll so challenging!
From coffee-dying the canvas
and adding cinnamon and cloves...
to choosing just the right
 vintage bone buttons...
to incorporating a rusty, flattened bottle cap...
and then coffee-staining the poem and cord!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Emily's Poem

Here is Emily Dickinson's poem...
the inspiration for "Sufficient Phaeton"

"Unto Me?" I do not know you—
Where may be your House?
"I am Jesus Late of Judea
Now— of Paradise"
Wagons— have you— to convey me?
This is far from Thence—
"Arms of Mine sufficient Phaeton
Trust Omnipotence"
I am spotted— "I am Pardon"
I am small— "The Least
is esteemed in Heaven the Chiefest
Occupy my House"

-Emily Dickinson    #964

"Sufficient Phaeton" Has a Face!

Ugh! We are just coming out of a twelve hour 
power outage here in South Jersey... 
we had gale force winds 
and lots and lots of rain overnight.  
But all is well!  Even as I type, the sun is out 
and the sky is bright azure blue.  
"Sufficient Phaeton" finally has a face... 
I was able to finish adding ears 
and paperclay eyelids last night.
Yup... this little guy will eventually 
be wearing an earring too 
(a bent paperclip will have to suffice for now).